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Here a roundup of the latest reviews and articles, including 4 Ways to Back Up Your PC Game Saves, System Guide: July 2013, GAINWARD GTX 780 Phantom 'GLH' Review, Lian Li D8000 Review: Double-Sized, and MSI Z87 Xpower Motherboard

4 Ways to Back Up Your PC Game Saves @ Howtogeek
Whether youre switching to a new PC, reinstalling Windows, or just ensuring you dont lose hours of gameplay if your hard drive dies, youll want to make sure your save games are properly backed up. Quite a few games support save-game syncing via the cloud, but many games especially older ones do not. Youll need to back up and restore their save files on your own.

Read more: 4 Ways to Back Up Your PC Game Saves @ Howtogeek

Buying Guide: Best MacBook Air case: 11 top bags, cases and covers @ Techradar
Best MacBook Air caseYour shiny new MacBook Air has just been delivered... but what to put it in? Do you just want to protect it from scratches or are you after a case that shields it - and the give-away logo on its lid - from prying eyes and criminals? Perhaps you need a drop-prof case, or you're a photographer that needs to take a MacBook Air and a DSLR camera in the same bag. Whatever your ambitions, there's something for you among these innovative slings, messengers, backpacks, cases and covers that fit the MacBook Air 11-inch and 13-inch models.

Read more: Buying Guide: Best MacBook Air case: 11 top bags, cases and covers @ Techradar

Korg Kaossilator 2 Portable Synthesizer Review @ TestFreaks
Korg is well known for their musical instruments, tuners, guitar pedals and synths. At TestFreaks we have reviewed a few devices from this company and today we will look at their latest palm-sized synthesizer for making music on the go – the Kaossilator 2.

This is the latest version of their Kaossilator line that has been decreasing in size with each iteration. The Kaossilator 2 is a portable sound generator that uses a touchpad for sound creation. Sliding horizontally over the touchpad will change the pitch over a range of octaves while vertical movement affects aspects of the tone such as filter cutoff, feedback, or modulation depth.

Read more: Korg Kaossilator 2 Portable Synthesizer Review @ TestFreaks

System Guide: July 2013 @ Ars Technica
Compared to the massive, across the board shakeups seen in some updates, this iteration of the System Guide looks pretty straightforward. The new System Guide accounts for a significant jump in graphics performance and the continuing evolution of faster CPUs, but the effects are limited.

Small but significant product changes add up, though, and enough of them mean an updated System Guide. It's hard to ignore shiny new CPUs and graphics cards—especially when the new shiny is cheaper, faster, or both!

Read more: System Guide: July 2013 @ Ars Technica

NZXT H630 Silent Case Review @ KitGuru
Today we are going to look at the NZXT H630 case which is pitched as a high-end silent case which offers a combination of cutting-edge design, excellent acoustics and solid build quality. After the recent success of the Phantom series of cases, NZXT seems to be on a roll. We are looking forward to seeing if they can continue this success with the latest addition to their range.

Read more: NZXT H630 Silent Case Review @ KitGuru

ZOWIE Mashu Gaming Headset Review @ Madshrimps
The Mashu stereo gaming headset from the well-known manufacturer ZOWIE features comfortable large earcups, 40mm speakers and also a non-removable uni-directional microphone. Its body is light and the earcups can be adjusted in four directions for acquiring the best fit.

Read more: ZOWIE Mashu Gaming Headset Review @ Madshrimps

GAINWARD GTX 780 Phantom 'GLH' Review @ Vortez
Goes Like Hell! Not simply 'OC', 'Super' or even 'Ultra'. This edition, as the name implies goes faster than anything on this material earth, matched only by beings from an unearthly plane of existence. How true this is we will see later in the review but with a heavily overclocked NVIDIA GTX780 at it's heart, coupled with the innovative and powerful 'Phantom' cooling design, on paper at least you would expect a graphic card of this nature to very fast but hopefully not as hot as hell!

We loved the new Phantom cooler when we first examined it in our Gainward GTX770 Phantom Review so we know just how capable it is. It did however seem a little over the top to put such a fine example of cooling prowess on what is essentially a tweaked GTX680. The cooling power of the Phantom deserved a bigger challenge so to that end Gainward not only offered up the GK110 core - the same core used on NVIDIA's finest GTX TITAN but also overclocked the 'hell' out of it. With the reference speeds of 863/6008 (core/memory) clocked to 980/6200 it is one of the highest factory overclocked cards available (at time of review). These overclocked figures result in a GPU BOOST 2.0 clockspeed of 1033MHz. A GTX780 running at 'stock' over 1Ghz? Goes like hell indeed!

Read more: GAINWARD GTX 780 Phantom 'GLH' Review @ Vortez

Lian Li D8000 Review: Double-Sized, Full HPTX Tower @ Techspot
Having reviewed dozens of cases spanning all sizes and budgets over the years, you'd think we would have seen it all, but Lian Li has taken us by surprise offering what is possibly the largest desktop chassis available today -- no easy task with titans like the Cubitek HPTX-ICE and Lian Li's own PC-V2120 on the market.

Known as the D8000, Lian Li's latest enclosure is also built on the HPTX form factor, which was created by EVGA in 2010 amid growing enthusiast demand for boards even larger than EATX or EEATX -- extended versions of the ATX standard, which maxes out at seven expansion slots and dimensions of 12 x 9.6" (305 x 244mm).

Read more: Lian Li D8000 Review: Double-Sized, Full HPTX Tower @ Techspot

Neptor 10000mAh Battery Pack Review @ HiTech Legion
In 1966 Star Trek introduced many people to the cheesy acting of William Shatner. It also gave us a lot of nerdy cultural references such as "Red Shirts" and "Beam Me Up". There’s also quite a bit of technology that was first seen in Star Trek which has become or may soon be part of our everyday lives here in the real world. We aren’t even close to transporters yet, but we do have tractor beams that can move molecules and video conferences are now a staple of business. In a few ways we’ve even exceeded Start Trek’s ambitions because we can now do video conferences on own version of the Star Trek Communicator that’s known as a cell phone. There's one nuance that's vitally important to our everyday lives which Star Trek and space sci-fi in general fails to discuss.

Sci-fi shows and movies routinely talk about power usage on scales that could power a large city for days or years. But they rarely say anything about power relating to their portable devices. Even after fighting off a bunch of giant humanoids, a couple hand phasers still have enough energy to take a shuttlecraft into space. It can only be assumed that their battery technologies have completely abandoned the anodes, cathodes and electrolytes on which we are so dependent; instead storing pure electrons. Mankind is constantly working on more efficient and denser means for storing electricity. Even the experimental Lithium-Sulfur batteries only hold about 4x the energy of a standard Lithium-Ion. It's a major leap but it's nowhere close to what you see in Sci-Fi.

Read more: Neptor 10000mAh Battery Pack Review @ HiTech Legion

MSI Z87 Xpower Motherboard @ Bjorn3D
MSI just jumped into the extreme Haswell game with the recent release of the Z87 Xpower, today we have one in hand, so lets see what this beast has to offer.

Read more: MSI Z87 Xpower Motherboard @ Bjorn3D