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Techgage posted a look at NVIDIA's new Tesla K-series GPU accelerators

In our look at the Titan supercomputer, housed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, we mentioned that there were a couple of features and design choices that made it unique. At the forefront, the entire supercomputer is comprised of nodes that implement one CPU and one GPU, for a total of 18,688 each. Second, the GPU chosen for the job was NVIDIA’s Tesla K20X, an up-to-this-point unreleased card. Given its capabilities however, it has been long-awaited.

With Titan having just become the world’s fastest supercomputer, it’s no wonder NVIDIA chose to promote it heavily. After all, that in turn promotes the Tesla GPU itself, and touts its capabilities. While Titan’s creators were blessed with the ability to purchase the GPUs in advance, the rest of the world has had to wait. Today, that wait over, as NVIDIA is formally announcing the K-series, consisting of the K10, K20 and K20X.
  A Look at NVIDIA's Kepler-based Tesla K-Series GPU Accelerators