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PC Stats has put up an Abit KR7A-133RAID Socket A Motherboard review

In typical Abit fashion, the KR7A-133RAID is a little bit more expensive then the curve. Weighing in at $250 CDN it's probably one of the most expensive VIA KT266A boards around. Knowing that the KR7A-133R has a KT266A chipset just about guarantees it will be a good performer, but how does Abit separate itself from the rest? With a 4x AGP 2.0 slot, six 32 bit PCI's, VIA's 8233A Ultra/133 southbridge, onboard IDE Ultra/133 RAID and four DIMM slots there isn't much more you can ask for. USB 2.0 is gaining a lot of momentum and with most high-end manufacturers including it with their boards, perhaps Abit should also consider adding it in the near future as well.
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