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Litex Media has released All To WMA Converter 1.4

You need to convert your digital audio files to WMA(Windows Media Audio) 8 format, but you have tired to start audio conversion utility every time? Try to use our All To WMA Converter - it gives you ability to start conversion directly from your Windows Explorer.

All you need to do is simply select audio files, click on them with alternate mouse button and start Convert to WMA command from Explorer's context menu. All To WMA Converter supports MP3,OGG and WAV PCM source formats, ID3v2 Tag (copying from MP3 or OGG source or creation of a new one). All conversions are performed without temporary WAV files, it means that all files are processed quickly and no additional hard drive space is required.

Thus you can quickly and easily convert with this tool every audio file you have just found in folders on your computer or have downloaded from Internet into modern WMA 8 format with all possible settings.

What's new in this version:
- Vorbis SDK 1.0 RC2 is implemented
- Added default values of ID3Tag (now you may enter value of common
ID3Tags once and then use it)
- Added generation of name of output files from information about
- Added default output folder for 'Quick conversion'
- Added custom sorting method
- Fixed bug in WMA decoding engine and conversion from WMA becomes
more stable
- Bug with saving track's number ang genre is fixed
- Some little bugfixes