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AMD has released new Catalyst 11.8 drivers

This article provides information on the AMD Catalyst:tm: Control Center / AMD Vision:tm: Engine Control Center 11.8 driver release. The release notes provides a description of 11.8 download contents including product compatibility, new features and resolved issues. The 11.8 software suite updates both the AMD display driver, and the AMD Catalyst Control Center / AMD Vision Engine Control Center. This unified driver has been updated to provide enhanced level of power, performance, and reliability.

Package Content
The AMD Catalyst Control Center / AMD Vision Engine Control Center 11.8 software suite contains the following:

AMD display driver version 8.881
HydraVision:tm: for Windows:registered: XP, Windows Vista:registered: and Windows:registered: 7
Southbridge/IXP Driver
AMD Catalyst:tm: Control Center version 8.881 / AMD Vision:tm: Engine Control Center version 8.881.

Important ! Caution !

The AMD display driver and the AMD Catalyst:tm: Control Center / AMD Vision:tm: Engine Control Center can be downloaded independently of each other. However, for better stability and performance AMD recommends that both components be updated from the same AMD Catalyst:tm: release.
The AMD Catalyst:tm: Control Center / AMD Vision:tm: Engine Control Center requires that the Microsoft:registered: .NET Framework SP1 be installed for Windows XP and Windows Vista. Without .NET SP1 installed, the AMD Catalyst:tm: Control Center / AMD Vision:tm: Engine Control Center will not launch properly and the user will see an error message.


When installing the AMD Catalyst:tm: driver for Windows operating system, the user must be logged on as Administrator or have Administrator rights to complete the installation of the AMD Catalyst:tm: driver.
These release notes provide information on the AMD display driver only. For information on the ATI Multimedia Center:tm:, HydraVision:tm:, HydraVision:tm: Basic Edition, Remote Wonder:tm:, or the Southbridge/IXP driver, please refer to their respective release notes found at:
AMD Eyefinity:tm: technology gives gamers access to high display resolutions. As pixel count grows, the graphics horsepower required to drive the displays at a reasonable frame rate can increase dramatically. Depending on the game and system configuration, users may notice texture corruption and reduced frame rates when running games in multi-monitor Eyefinity modes.
Windows Driver Model (WDM) drivers are no longer bundled in the AMD Catalyst:tm: software suite. The WDM drivers install bundle can be downloaded independently through the AMD website
Release Notes
Download for Windows XP (32-bit)
Download for Windows 7/Vista (32-bit)
Download for Windows 7/Vista (64-bit)