AMD has released Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.6.1 with support for Mirror's Edge Catalyst, and Paragon
Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.6.1 HighlightsAMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.6.1 released
Support for:
Mirror's Edge Catalyst
New AMD Crossfire profile available for:
Dark Souls III
Fixed Issues
Display flickering or corruption may be experienced when playing videos in a web browser.
DiRT Rallymay experience poor performance on some tracks with rainy/night scenes.
The HDMIdisplay scaling options in Radeon Settings may be missing when the display is set to an interlaced resolution.
The AMD Crossfiretechnology mode options in Radeon Settings may not take effect on Origin or Uplay applications.
Fallout4 may experience flickering in AMD Crossfire
technology mode for some game textures.
Flickering on Oculus Riftheadsets may be experienced when multiple displays are connected with differing resolutions.
Radeon Settings additional settings page may fail to open after performing a Windows Update and then installing the latest Radeon Software Crimson Edition.