THE REAL TCO (total cost of ownership) benefits of Windows 2000 Professional will not come automatically, analysts warn. To reap the full rewards, they say, IT departments must move to a managed desktop environment. In other words, lock down end-usersĀ“ PCs.
If a company moves from an unmanaged Windows 95 desktop environment to a managed Windows 2000 desktop, its ROI (return on investment) can be attained in less than a year, said Stamford, Conn.-based Gartner analyst Michael Silver, speaking at the Gartner Windows 2000 in the Enterprise conference in San Francisco late last month. But without centralized control, he said, ROI can take years.
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If a company moves from an unmanaged Windows 95 desktop environment to a managed Windows 2000 desktop, its ROI (return on investment) can be attained in less than a year, said Stamford, Conn.-based Gartner analyst Michael Silver, speaking at the Gartner Windows 2000 in the Enterprise conference in San Francisco late last month. But without centralized control, he said, ROI can take years.
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