Vortez posted a review on the Antec TrueQuiet fan
Antec has been producing strongly-built cases for years. The fans they made for them – the Antec TriCool – came with a 3-speed switch that allowed users of their cases to customize their cooling effects. More recently Antec has switched to TwoCoolAntec TrueQuiet Reviewfans. One suspects a play on words: ‘Too Cool.’ In any ‘case’ Antec fans are available retail. And apparently to maintain the ‘True’ metaphor (as in TruePower) Antec now has TrueQuiet
branded fans. The frames are sculpted. The nine blades are a smoky translucent gray, with wavy tips. They come with built-in two-speed switches as well as vibration-dampening inserts in their corners. Vibration-resistant connectors are included in the package. It looks great.