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Techware Labs has published a review of AOpens latest DVD burner

The upcoming release of Microsoft Corporation's :copyright: Vista operating system has users asking the question; Does my PC have what it takes to not only RUN Vista, but can it load the OS as well? Well, one point in interest is they way you install the OS and take advantage of most of the features with one peripheral, the CDROM. As some are aware Vista recommends a DVD Drive with the system and to take advantage of some features it also requires a DVD drive. Most have already upgraded to or maybe your system came with a DVD ROM already. Drives included with most systems as well as most drives offered before a year ago were slow. Burning a full DVD can take a slower DVD drive a hour or more. Considering the peripheral market today for DVD RW ROM drive is relatively cheap there is no reason to settle for slow drives. Our friends at AOpen sent over a Triple format DVD Rewriter for us to take a look at.
AOpen 18X Triple Format DVD ReWriter Review