Drivers 2936 Published by

AOpen has released the follow bios updates:

AX34 Pro / AX34
Checksum C10Dh
This and later versions apply to both AX34 and AX34 Pro.
Supports Intel CPU of ratios up to X12.0.
Supports Samual II CPU of ratios up to X13.0.
Fixed combination of AOpen PA256MX + Intel 82559 NIC + USB legacy Keyboard makes flashing process hang up.
Improves compatibility with GeForce 2 MX.
Features new "Powered by AOpen" EPA logo.
Updates flashing utility to R1.94.
Updates Award´s source code version from 4.60 to 6.00.

AX34 Pro II / AX34 II
Checksum 3CB7h
Disables FDC controller when Drive A/B has been set to ´None´.
Fixes malsunction of RTC wake up from S1.
Improves IDE performance for VT686B.
Improves compatibility with ATI Rage 128.
Supports Cyrix Samual II CPU.
Fixed failure to boot from CD-ROM with combination of some SCSI card + LAN card installed.
Fixed failure to copy to LS120 from FAT32 HDD.
Stops Doctor Voice timer with ´Pause´ key pressed.
Fixed failure to copy large files with ZIP drives emulating HDD.
Updates micro code for FC-PGA Coppermine CPU.
Features new "Powered by AOpen" logo.
Fixed failure to boot from CD-ROM without an FDD installed.

Checksum B38Bh
Fixed compatibility with ZIP drive in Win98.
AGP 4X is disabled by default.
Updates flashing utility to R1.91.
Updates Award codes associated with IDE function, USB function, PCI POST and DMI.
Stops Dr. Voice detection timer with ´Pause´ key pressed.
Fixed malfunction of USB FDD (Generic USB FDD).