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Future Looks has posted a review on the Archos 8x4x24 MiniCDRW

Think back to the days when CD’s first came out. What a novelty; suddenly vinyl was out and tapes were barely hanging in there. The plus to this new fangled technology was that it was “supposedly” impossible for the consumer to replicate. Of course what the industry SHOULD have said was “impossible to replicate for NOW” the operative word of course being now. Never ever put a challenge like that within ear shot of the general consumer market, the result? Home CD Burners. Of course the first generation CD burners were gloriously clunky devices that, much like the first CD-ROMs for computers, were pathetically slow. There was a time that burning an entire audio CD could take several hours…and this was considered fast?? Since then the technology has not only gotten faster, but more affordable to the consumer market. But what if you got a computer, be it home PC or lap top before the burning technology was available or affordable? A whole world of possibilities from CD mixes to exponential software back up would be denied to you. The solution? The Archos MiniCDRW 8x4x24.
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