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Bjorn3D posted a review on the Arctic Accelero Hybrid Graphics Card Cooler

The Arctic Accelero Hybrid comes into an already chock-full market of GPU coolers. The most common form of “aftermarket” GPU cooler isn’t really aftermarket at all, but the non-reference design cooler that a manufacturer mounts on their graphics card. Beyond that, air coolers and full liquid-cooling systems are the most common form of GPU cooling we see on the market. The Accelero Hybrid is something different, however. As a liquid cooler, it promises to deliver some powerful performance; but with the addition of a fan on the card shroud, it also promises to deliver good airflow, something most liquid cooling systems don’t bother with. It also looks easy to install due to the closed-loop system, meaning we don’t have to fumble around with fitting the tubes correctly and such.

The Accelero Hybrid appears to be extremely GPU friendly, in the sense that it fits a wide variety of graphics card models, including the new NVIDIA GTX 660 Ti. Arctic makes some bold claims, stating that it guarantees “200% cooling performance” that performs “9 times quieter” than stock coolers.
  Arctic Accelero Hybrid Graphics Card Cooler Review