Reviews 52210 Published by has posted a review on the Asetek Vapochill LightSpeed [AC] CPU Cooling System

Processor cooling is a matter of degree (no pun intended). At the low end, we have the stock heatsink, which is not designed so much to keep the processor nice and cool as it is to simply keep the processor from overheating. Take one step up from that, and you have the performance air cooling solutions. These solutions range from mild to wild, and the bang for the buck can be very high, but often at the expense of excessive noise. More powerful yet are the water cooled solutions. There are a variety of price and performance ranges here too, but in the end, they also suffer from the same limitation as air cooling - you are stuck with a final temperature somewhat above ambient air temperature. Evaporative style water cooling systems CAN bring the temperature down to marginally below ambient, but these solutions offer their own set of headaches that make them unsuitable for the install-it-and-forget-it crowd.
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