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bit-tech Preview published a hands on preview of Assassin's Creed

In fact the only real problem is the futuristic-bend on the story. On its own it would be forgiveable, but it manages to pervade itself through into absolutely every aspect of the game. Flashing clouds of binary for loading screens, streaming symbols in the middle of combat and invisible walls dotted with pseudo-scientific emblems -- these are the elements which could ruin the game's otherwise fantastic set-up.

A lot of this could of course change dramatically over the next few months. These futuristic elements could be toned down or removed. It's even possible that they could be so well explained in the full version that they turn from weak points to indispensable and innovative game elements.

But I'm sceptical of that possibility and I for one am going to be watching //Assassin's Creed very closely as the release date creeps forward out of the shadows. It'd be a horrible shame for this awesome game to stab itself in the throat by trying to be something it isn't.
Assassin's Creed hands-on preview