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Benchmark Reviews posted a review on the ASUS My Cinema EHD3-100 HDTV/FM Tuner

Those who want to watch over the air TV at all must either purchase a TV with an ATSC tuner installed or purchase one of the conversion boxes out there. For the HTPC crowd, it means that their tuner card must support ATSC just the same. Most cards out there are going to produce video results that are exactly the same, especially considering the signal and quality are more a factor of antenna reception than card quality. So, what's to make someone decide on one TV tuner over another? The ASUS My Cinema-EHD3-100 answers this question by going one step further than most cards out there to be your all-in-one media center card. It fully supports the ATSC and QAM digital TV specifications allowing you to access digital TV in high definition resolution. It also fully supports analog NTSC TV, analog video and radio. Plus, its on-board mpeg-2 encoder chip helps on-the-fly analog video recording. Is the My Cinema-EHD3-100 your HTPC answer? Benchmark Reviews will fill you in!
ASUS My Cinema EHD3-100 HDTV/FM Tuner Review