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Hardware Pub has published an Asus P4B266 i845D Motherboard and Intel Pentium4 2.2 GHz Review.

When Intel released the Pentium 4 processor to their line of cpu's it did not live up to it's expectations. The performance was lacking due to the poor quality of Pentium 4 based motherboards that needed to support expensive RDRam and special power supply connectors in order to run a Pentium 4 cpu. Motherboard manufacturers had released motherboards that were not very stable and lacked performance therefore making the Pentium 4 a very unlikely upgrade. With the Pentium 4 in that stage consumers turned to the Athlon XP line of processors that were being unveiled by AMD. So now it was up to Intel to fix this problem and they did. They released the i845 chipset which supported SDRam and the i845D stepping that supported DDR-SDRam which also did not need any special power supply connector to run the Pentium 4. This new chipset has kept Intel on the rise with the help of motherboard manufacturers such as Asus. The Asus P4B266 is a feature packed motherboard with stability and performance to top it off.
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