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GamePC has put up a Asus V8200 Pure and Deluxe GeForce3 review

Now that the initial rush of GeForce3-based excitement has come and gone, we´re now seeing the full wave of GeForce3-based cards come to market. We are now starting to see board manufacturers stray from the reference design and add extra features to their cards to get them to stand out in the crowd. So now we´re seeing companies throwing larger heatsinks, faster memory chips, and in this case, extra video features on to their cards.

Asus has always been one of the leaders in the nVidia-based graphics space all the way back to TNT and GeForce256-based products. One feature that has always set them apart from the crowd has been their "Deluxe" series of cards. These cards come with extra Video In/Video out features, usually have redesigned board layouts, and as of lately, come with VR 3D Glasses. Usually Asus´s Deluxe cards come to market around 1-2 months after the initial release of the "Pure" variants of the card.
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