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Systemlogic has posted a comparsion between rounded and flat ATA cables

Well, before I go into my test here´s some system spect to help you gague what I´m talking about. My computer is a Thunderbird 800 @ 800 (non-OC´d for testing purposes), on an Asus A7V Motherboard with ATA-66 and ATA-100 controllers onboard, GF2 MX 32MB Vid card, SB Live Platinum classic, 6X DVD, CD-RW drive. For Hard Drives I´m running my IBM Deskstar 75GXP 30GB drive off my ATA-66 controller for windows, and my second drive, a Western Digital 30GB 7200 RPM ATA 100 off the ATA 100 controller for cold storage on my system. The WD was the drive used for testing.
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