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Dan´s Data has posted a comparsion between Athlon DDR vs. SDR.

Are you in the market for an IBM compatible computer sufficiently powerful that other microchip-equipped devices in your home or office might reasonably be expected to spontaneously decide to sacrifice pocket calculators to it in the dead of night?

If this is the case, then a 1.2 gigahertz Athlon box with PC2100 DDR RAM pretty much fits the bill, I should think.

I´ve got one, I´ve benchmarked it, and I´ve compared it with a plain
SDR-RAM Athlon running at (almost) the same speed, and with a 1.5GHz P4 for some of the tests, as well. Winstone 2001, 3DMark 2000, Sandra, WinTune, Q3A, and possibly Intel´s _least_ favourite software at the moment, the client.

Spoiler: The DDR machine wins.
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