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Beyond 3D has put up a review on the ATI Radeon 64MB VIVO video card.

I´ll top it all with the usual game benchmarks, which include 5 different Quake3Arena timedemos (OpenGL), Expendable (D3D HAL), Test Drive 6 (D3D T&L HAL), DMZG (D3D T&L HAL), and Evolva (D3D T&L HAL). I´ll also have a look at the following synthetic benchmarks: BenMark (distributed by NVIDIA, but not created by NVIDIA), VillageMark (distributed and created by Imagination Technologies a.k.a. PowerVR), Tirtanium (D3D T&L HAL and OpenGL), and 3DMark (distributed and created by MadOnion). Because of the huge amount of data I´ll provide you with my Excel Sheets so you have an easy overview of the data, next to our usual framerate and pixel-rate graphs.
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