Drivers 2926 Published by

Creative has released new Audigy core driver packages. Thanks NewsWare.

This update has been divided into 5 smaller files so that you can choose to download only the portions you require, or to spread out your downloads over several sessions.

Core Driver Update - Aud_webupdate2_Drv.exe (4.16MB)
Audio HQ Update - Aud_webupdate2_AHQ.exe (3MB)
PlayCenter 3 Update - Aud_webupdate2_PC.exe (10.2MB)
Recorder Update - Aud_webupdate2_Rec.exe (3.86MB)
Taskbar Update - Aud_webupdate2_Task.exe (2MB)

As a minimum, the core driver update (Aud_webupdate2_Drv.exe) can be downloaded and installed alone. If you use of any of the applications listed above, you will also need to download and install the respective application update(s) to ensure correct functionality of the application(s).
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