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TheTechLounge posted a review on the Audioengine A5 Bookshelf Speakers

On the floor, with my head between the speakers, I listened to my library for hours. I heard things I=B9d never heard before: spittle hitting the mic, catching on its wires; each of the conductors=B9 deep, concerto-bracing breaths, the taps of the baton, the misplaced stabs at the high-hats, the time-keeping footwork too close to the bass=B9 pickup, and heavy pick-scrapes across steel. I rocked out on my back, staring at the careful brush-strokes on my wooden ceiling, under the new coat covering the old, nicotine-stained lead paint. I couldn=B9t get enough=8Bthe amp sizzled under its own electrical weight, scalding-hot to the touch, and I was enchanted.
Audioengine A5 Bookshelf Speakers Review