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A new version of the Azure SDK has been released.

Azure SDK Release (September 2021)

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You can find links to packages, code, and docs on our  Azure SDK Releases page.

Release Highlights

Welcome to the September release of the Azure SDK. We’ve updated the following libraries:

  • Azure SDK for C++
    • The Azure SDK for C++ has the following initial preview releases: Key Vault Secrets ( version 4.0) and Storage Queues ( version 12.0).
  • Azure SDK for Go
    • Azure SDK for Go released previews for Identity (version 0.11.0) and Tables (version 0.1.0).
    • Go release notes
  • Azure SDK Resource Management Libraries for .NET
    • This initial preview includes releases for Core, Compute, Key Vault, Network, Storage, and Resources.
    • .NET release notes
  • Azure SDK Resource Management Libraries for JavaScript and Go
  • Azure SDK for Python (Conda) (version 2021.09.01)
  • Event Grid – CloudNative Cloud Events for .NET (version 1.0) has released a new stable version.

Stable Releases

  • Azure Communication Services for iOS
  • Azure Cosmos DB for Java (version 4.19)
  • Azure IoT for Embedded C (version 1.2.0)
  • Azure SDK Resource Management Libraries for Java (version 2.7)
  • Azure Storage
    • Azure Storage for C++ (version 12.2) has released the following packages: Blob Storage, Storage Common, Data Lake Storage, and Storage Files Share.
    • Azure Storage for Java has released the following packages: Blob Storage (version 12.14), Blob Batch Storage (version 12.11), Blob Cryptography Storage (version 12.14), Storage Common (version 12.13), Data Lake Storage (version 12.7), Storage Internal Avro (version 12.1), and Queue Storage (version 12.11).
    • Azure Storage for JavaScript has released the following packages: Blob Storage (version 12.8), Data Lake Storage (version 12.7), Storage Files Share (version 12.8), and Storage Queues (Version 12.7).
  • Event Grid for Java (version 4.7)
  • Key Vault Keys for C++ (version 4.1)
  • Service Bus for .NET (version 7.3)
  • Tables for .NET (version 12.2)

Preview Releases

  • Azure Cognitive Search for .NET (version 11.4), Java (version 11.5), JavaScript (version 11.3), and Python (version 11.3)
  • Azure Communication Services for iOS
  • Azure Functions Service Bus Extension (version 5.0)
  • Azure Monitor Query for .NET (version 1.0.0-beta.4), Java (version 1.0.0-beta.4), JavaScript (version 1.0.0-beta.5), and Python (version 1.0.0b4)
  • Azure Synapse Analytics – Managed Private Endpoints for .NET, Java, and JavaScript (version 1.0)
  • Azure Web PubSub for .NET and Java (version 1.0)
  • Container Registry for .NET (version 1.1.0-beta.1), Java (version 1.0.0-beta.4), JavaScript (version 1.0.0-beta.5), and Python (version 1.0.0b6)
  • Event Hubs
    • Event Hubs Schema Registry for Java, JavaScript, and Python (version 1.0)
    • Event Hubs Schema Registry Avro for Java and Python (version 1.0)
  • Identity
  • Key Vault
    • Key Vault Administration for Java (version 4.1) and Python (version 4.1)
    • Key Vault Certificates for Java (version 4.3), JavaScript (version 4.4), and Python (version 4.4)
    • Key Vault Keys for Java (version 4.4) and Python (version 4.5)
    • Key Vault Secrets for Java (version 4.4), JavaScript (version 4.4), Python (version 4.4), and C++ (version 4.0)
  • Translator for .NET and Python (version 1.0)

Azure SDK Release (September 2021)