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TheTechLounge posted a review on the BFG 9800 GX2 1GB Video Card

It would be very, very hard not to covet this video card. I know I recently said that the 9800 GTX was the sexy card, but this one might actually look nicer, eye of the beholder and all. And it's not just skin-deep, it's faaast, and because of that, we can overlook its frightening heat production and power consumption. But it isn't a bargain. Thanks to price warring, it's in the 'you gotta be crazy' and not the 'price is no question' bracket, and because of that, it'll get more attention than it might deserve. It's compelling, after all-- especially the idea of quad SLI. Not that I'd turn one down, but the people for whom it makes sense are fewer than the people that can afford it. That is to say, it's a great piece of hardware, but it's only a good idea in the strictest of circumstances.
BFG 9800 GX2 1GB Video Card Reviewed