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Bit-Tech has published a review of BFG Tech's GeForce 9800 GTX OCX 512MB graphics card

To be fair, I'm still in two minds about the GeForce 9800 GTX. And even though BFG Tech has gone above and beyond the call of duty here, I still don't think it's enough for me to change my mind about this particular card in Nvidia's line-up.

You see, the standard cards are still on the expensive side compared to the GeForce 8800 GTX and GeForce 8800 GTS 512, while BFG Tech's GeForce 9800 GTX OCX is priced at such a point that it's no longer competing against only products in Nvidia's line-up, but also against the Radeon HD 3870 X2. And over time, it seems like the 3870 X2's drivers have improved a bit and it's now becoming a more rounded purchase when you compare it to something like the card we've looked at here today.

When the 3870 X2 drags its feet in games that don't scale so well, the BFG Tech GeForce 9800 GTX OCX is a faster card, but when you get into scenarios where scaling is there, the Radeon HD 3870 X2 is generally a significantly faster proposition. And because of that, I think it's the better purchase right now in the £250 price bracket.

That's not to say that BFG Tech's card is one that you shouldn't consider at all -- the company has worked to correct the omissions from its earlier bundles and you can now use the audio over HDMI functionality thanks to the included S/PDIF cable. It's also one of the highest-clocked GeForce 9800 GTX cards out there---and it's backed by an impressive warranty term---which makes it one of the best G92-based cards on the market today. It's also the first G92-based card we've seen that bests the GeForce 8800 GTX in a convincing enough manner for it to be considered a replacement.
BFG Tech GeForce 9800 GTX OCX 512MB graphics card Review