Reviews 52265 Published by posted Bioshock Gameplay Review (PC).

The year is 1960. You're enjoying a smoke while taking a flight over the Atlantic Ocean. In your lap sits a present lovingly wrapped presumably by mom and dad. Taking out your wallet you look at an old photo of the family and remember how your parents always said you were special. That I was '..destined for great things'. Just then all hell breaks loose as the plane is sent spiraling downwards crashing into the water. Finding yourself deep underwater you hold your breath as you struggle back to the surface. You can see the warm glow of flames on the top and with each passing second your lungs become your enemy. With just a few seconds left you make your way back to the surface gasping for the air you so desparately need. In a scene not unlike the movie 'Cast Away' you are surrounded by flaming gasoline and not too far in the distance you see the remains of the airplane slipping below the water. The only chance for survival is a small island with a tall tower seemingly out of place here in the middle of nowhere.
Bioshock Gameplay Review (PC) Review