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PC Review have an editorial on the recent "Ciscogate" Black Hat convention from another employee within the profession

If you are a computer geek, you may have heard of the Black Hat convention held last month. I was not there, so I can only go on reports of Michael Lynn's Presentation. Let's assume that some of you don't know how this story goes, I'll tell you what I know. Lynn was an employee of Internet Security Systems Inc (ISS), an Atlanta based company, and he was a member of its X-Force Research team. Through ISS Lynn was involved in security related work for Cisco. Lynn is said to have reversed engineered some of Cisco's IOS (Internetwork Operating System) code. He, or his company, found big problems which could be exploited by the bad guys. Glossing over the details, Cisco went ballistic; by all accounts they went over the edge.
Black Hat, Black Heart