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BloatyNosyApp 0.85 has been released. BloatyNosy streamlines and unifies all of the crucial Windows 11 settings into a single app, allowing you to disable and remove extraneous features with just a single click.

BloatyNosyApp 0.85

  • Optimized the integrated bloatware/bundled apps scanner. If you only appreciate this function of BloatyNosy, you can also use the standalone tool  JunkCtrl for W11 for it. It is more modular in terms of functionality and more aggressive in searching.
  • Integrated a back button into the main form.
  • Many minor optimizations.

[!] INFO to all those still using the deprecated Microsoft Store version. Please manually uninstall that version and switch to the open-source GitHub version. Development on the Store version has been discontinued, and the update mechanism no longer works. Some features are also no longer accessible.

I now also have an official statement from Microsoft explaining why the app was removed from the Store: 'Your submission does not have a valid code signing certificate.' This was definitely not correct under the old Store policy. They must have recently readjusted the policies for Win32 packages. However, I've had enough with the Store anyway. Unfortunately, every scam app manages to get in. The foolish ones are the developers who also invest their energy in an operating system to make it more appealing to a few more customers

Release BloatyNosyApp 0.85 · builtbybel/BloatyNosy