Warp2Search send words that capacitors on K8V Deluxe may deform soon after use
That was found in a hidden FAQ about the Asus K8V DeluxeRead more
It has been discovered recently that the nine electrolytic capacitors CE18, CE19, CE20, CE21, CE22, CE25 , CE38, CE39, CE45 (see Figure1, used at power stabilization circuitry) may expand and fracture. This problem has been confirmed to result from quality control of RLZ 0333 capacitors, and proven to happen only on a small number of such capacitors which can be easily distinguished from the RLZ 0333 marking (see Figure 2) on them.
A:It has been discovered recently that the nine electrolytic capacitors CE18, CE19, CE20, CE21, CE22, CE25 , CE38, CE39, CE45 (see Figure1, used at power stabilization circuitry) may expand and fracture. This problem has been confirmed to result from quality control of RLZ 0333 capacitors, and proven to happen only on a small number of such capacitors which can be easily distinguished from the RLZ 0333 marking (see Figure 2) on them.