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OCC has published a review on the CM Storm Sonuz Gaming Headset

The earpads themselves are absolutely huge and unless you have Dumbo-size ears they will fit comfortably over your ears without any issues. The pads are made of the same soft foam as the top bridge padding and are quite comfortable even with the higher pressure on them from the rigid frame. The backside of the earcups has a slice through it filled with metal mesh, which won't win any awards at keeping outsides sounds out (or vice versa). I didn't notice a great deal of noise leaking out of the headphones compared to some but if you crank the volume everyone will know what you're listening to.

The box for the CM Storm Sonuz is garnished in the trademark red, grey, and silver of the CM Storm line. The front of the box has a large photo of the headset blending into the window that allows you to peek at the actual headset itself. The blending between the photo and the headset is a bit odd because of the different perpectives and makes it look like the headset has been twisted around the top spine. Moving around to the side of the box you can just barely see the headset peeking through the window. The backside of the box introduces the basic features and specifcations of the Sonuz in English as well as seven other languages. Spinning around further the other side of the box lists the specifications of the headset, which are further detailed on the Specifications and Features page.

  CM Storm Sonuz Gaming Headset Review