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A new version of Contentteller, the content management system behind this site, has been released

This update brings the following 40 improvements and bugfixes:

Version 2.1.3 (2010-08-27)
- Fixed an issue with canonical links
- Fixed an escape problem with PHP part in XML template set import
- Updated TinyMCE to version 3.3.8
- Fixed compatibility with Safari 5 in enhanced template editor (edit_area)
- Fixed a problem in the acquire module with file dates
- Added missing templates files_day_header, files_day_footer, files_day_rss_header, and files_day_rss_footer
- Added missing variables in files_layout_main
- Fixed a problem with attachments in TinyMCE under Firefox
- Fixed a small visual glitch with the tabs in template editor if the enhanced editor is enabled
- Fixed small visual issue in IE9 and rounded corners of navigation bar
- Fixed small IE visual glitches in login screen and blackboard
- Fixed a problem with TinyMCE and embedded media file
- Added GZIP compression to jquery scripts
- Added additional database checks to verify the forum settings
- Fixed a problem with news processing and the hold queries
- Fixed a small visual glitch with the undo function in the files module
- Added an option to append additional download locations to exiting files in files module
- Added slideshow block
- Added an option to allow login with Twitter account
- Added an option to allow login with Facebook account
- Added Facebook recommended button in news, articles, files, and knowledgebase modules
- Added Facebook block
- Fixed a small issue with social links on the articles pages
- Added automated tasks script to admin section
- Fixed a typo in manage blockcodes
- Fixed issue with quote block images and Internet Explorer
- Fixed a typo in files preferences
- Added GZIP compression to CSS
- Validated XHTML code in votes template
- Fixed an issue with Trebuchet MS and Verdana fonts in Instant Styles Editor
- Updated PAD repository import script to the new database url
- Fixed the error message if you try to add a template without template name
- Fixed an issue with the glossary block in the admin section
- Added a function to the installer to convert hyphen to underscore in database prefix
- Added support for IPv6 addresses
- Fixed a problem in the upgrade script with the Contentteller 2.0.x to 2.1.x CSS
- Fixed a small problem with templates search
- Updating a template set from XML will now also update the CSS
- $insert['newsstory_channels'] will now contain the channel names instead of channel keys
- Added a placeholder for the year to the copyright line
Release notes
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