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Coolbits 3D unlocks many extra options in the nVidia control panel/driver, including but not limited to - overclocking, agp & hardware settings, fan control, temperature settings, debugging, fullscreen video, OpenGL 2.0 support, 3d viewer types, and more!

This tweak is intended for use with GeForce cards and Forceware 55.xx - 6x.xx 3D Stereo drivers. Coolbits 3D is not fully compatible with Windows 98/Me or driver versions older than 55.xx.

If you do happen to run this tweak with older software, you could get errors at startup! To enable full compatibility, you will need to disable the options that are causing issues with your current setup.

Installation: Simply double-click coolbits3d.reg to import the settings into the Windows registry. Check your Nvidia properties, and you will see many new configurable options in the nVidia control panel (NVCPL).

To get to these options, right-click on your desktop and go to 'NVIDIA Display' (Win XP/2003). For Win 2000, you may need to get to the Nvidia Control Panel the old way. Right-click the desktop > Properties > Settings > Advanced > GeForce xxxx

Uninstall: If you experience any minor difficulties whatsoever, simply reinstall/update your display driver. This will effectively reset all registry entries back to their default values.
[License: Freeware| Requires: Win XP/2K/2003 | Size: 3 Kb]

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