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Bjorn3D take a look at the CoolIt Dual Drive Bay VGA Cooler NV Reference Series.

CoolIt Systems has a solution to tame those heat generating GPU workhorses that they call the Dual Drive Bay VGA Cooler NV Reference Series. It is a closed loop, factory sealed pre-filled system that offers maintenance free operation for SLI setups. They claim easy installation and they say that it's 'the perfect solution for any extreme gamer or overclocker that wants to push their nVidia 8800GTX, 8800GTX Ultra SLI VGA setup to the limits.' Let's see if this holds up. But first, let's delve into a little more detail as to what it is.

CoolIt Systems' Dual Drive Bay VGA Cooler NV Reference Series is comprised of a dual drive bay enclosure that houses the pump, radiator, and fan. Attached to the fan with neoprene tubing are two nVidia VGA MTEC Cooler Cold Plates. MTEC is a patented technology using multiple TECs (thermal-electric coolers) or peltiers to actually refrigerate the liquid in this pre-filled system. Since liquid cooling is better than air cooling, surely then, chilled liquid must be better even still. To learn more about thermal-electric cooling and the peltier effect, take a quick peak at the wiki. They do a much better job at explaining it than I ever could as I seem to have misplaced my slide ruler somewhere.
CoolIt Dual Drive Bay VGA Cooler NV Reference Series Review