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TweakTown posted a review on the CoolIT Systems ECO A.L.C. CPU Cooler

The people at CoolIT took notice and went back to the drawing board to produce not only a more widely compatible cooling solution, but to try to make this product as affordable as possible. Things like mounting of both the heat exchanger and how to mount the radiator all came into play. Alongside the compatibility there was also efficiency and noise levels that were major factors that needed to be solved before the release of their new product. Just to show where the company stands on the quality of their product, they sent samples around for the media to test. Reports came in about a possible mounting issue and CoolIT recalled them all, redesigned the mounting and resent the retail ready versions for another round of our labs abuse.

With the engineering of their new product covered, let’s get down to what we are here for. The time has come to get out the camera and get some images of CoolIT’s new ECO A.L.C. all-in-one CPU water cooling solution. Then we can see if the claims made up to this point ring true and that this is a solution that can make most of the popular air cooling solutions cry in shame while being at a similar price point.
CoolIT Systems ECO A.L.C. CPU Cooler Review