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Steamed Turtle has posted a review on Corsair TwinX1024-3200XL Pro memory

For a long time I've been a fan of Corsair memory. Until recently, my system and others before it relied on a 2 or 3 year old 512mb stick of XMS3200 memory. I had been considering replacing said memory, when lo and behold, Corsair released their 3200XL range of modules. The opportunity arose for me to review some of this fine memory and, as you may have now deducted, I took it. But for the useless squirming of the Australian Customs office, this review would have been a lot quicker in arriving. After wasting precious weeks like a yoyo between the shipping company, Corsair, and customs, and paying little Johnny Howard through the nose for the privilege, the modules finally arrived, spending the day in the safety of the fuse box on the front of my humble under the protection of the enormous EMI field that emanates from the four or five 10amp circuits that power this place :/. Having received the goods, the resident uber-camera owner decided to go 800km or so north for a holiday, taking his lovely camera with him. Another two week delay.
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