The-Ctrl-Alt-Del send words that Podien has released new versions of CPUCooL and CPUFSB.
CPUFSB 2.0.0
CPUCooL Final 6.0.8
CPUFSB 2.0.0
CPUFSB is a small version of CPUCooL. It is for changing the FrontSideBus only. So you have a small tool with only one of the the most important features of CPUCooL. Changing the FrontSideBus enables you to set the frequency of your CPU up to the limits.Download
New in this version...:
Help completed, minor bug fixes.
CPUCooL Final 6.0.8
As you might know CPUCooL is a program that monitors temperature, fan speed, and voltages for many motherboards. It provides Cpu cooling under Win9x/2000/NT, allows FrontSideBus changing, optimizes your memory and CPU.Download
New in this version...:
Help finished.