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Techspot published a Crucial v4 256GB vs. OCZ Agility 4 256GB SSD Shootout

It's been a great year for prospective SSD shoppers as prices are finally becoming more practical for system builders and consumers alike. Scrolling through our reviews from last year, most of the higher capacity models were prohibitively expensive for "mainstream" enthusiasts.

The OCZ Vertex 3 240GB was $500 ($2.08/GB) when it arrived last spring, while the Crucial m4 256GB appeared around the same time for $1.95 per gigabyte and Samsung's 830 Series debuted later in the year for around $1.66 per gigabyte.

By mid 2012, SSD prices fell through the floor, costing approximately half as much as last year.
  Crucial v4 256GB vs. OCZ Agility 4 256GB SSD Shootout