Reviews 52259 Published by posted a review on the CyberPower Gamer Xtreme 5000 Intel P67 Sandy Bridge System

Finally Intel’s Sandy Bridge is here! I’m sure you have heard about it a lot in the past few months. This new CPU architecture is still built on the 32nm process and is still branded Core i3, i5 and i7 so what really is new? These new processors are supposed to be more efficient, have the best integrated graphics ever from Intel and they are to be priced quite competitively. This of course is not an Intel Sandy Bridge review, this is a CyberPower system review! They have really built an awesome Sandy Bridge system for us and we can’t wait to check it out! Read on to see what Sandy Bridge really can do and how awesome this system is!
  CyberPower Gamer Xtreme 5000 Intel P67 Sandy Bridge System Review