Reviews 52263 Published by

Nero 9 Review posted a review on Nero 9

The new version of Nero aptly named Nero 9 doesn't bring too much new to in terms of looks compared to Nero 8, just a few graphical tweaks is about it, it looks pretty much the same overall. It does of course include the familiar programs like copying, burning and creating discs through Nero Express. It also includes improvements to the interface by adding commonly used things, blu-ray support, redesigned multimedia player, new video editing options, auto backup and even enhanced live TV experience.
Nero 9 Review

AMD Phenom 2 X4 940 Black Edition Processor Review
Driverheaven posted a review on the AMD Phenom 2 X4 940 Black Edition Processor

Today we will be taking a look at the latest processor in the Phenom family, the Phenom 2 X4 940 Black Edition. This CPU will be AMDs highest performing processor until the DDR3 variants reach the market later this year. Through a selection of benchmarks including media encoding, Photoshop and gaming we will establish how good the Phenom 2 is, and whether it is worth the upgrade for existing Phenom users.
AMD Phenom 2 X4 940 Black Edition Processor Review

Gainwards GeForce GTX 295 Reviewed
TweakTown posted a review on Gainward’s GeForce GTX 295

The GTX 295, where do we start? - I have to say this is one card that I find myself getting quite excited about. The main reason for that is because I know it’s going to be the fastest graphics card on the market. How do I know this, though? It’s not actually because we know what the specifications of the card are or anything like that. The reason I know it’s going to be the fastest graphics card on the market is because it literally has to be!

No matter what, this card can’t be slower than the HD 4870 X2; the other thing is it can’t just be a bit faster than the HD 4870 X2 either, considering how long ATI has held the performance crown for now. The first card we look at comes from Gainward and we’ve done a fair bit of testing with the card, but we won’t get into any specifics at the moment. Firstly we will have a look at the package and what’s inside, then we will have a closer look at the card and its specifications before we get stuck into the testing to see just how the card performs.
Gainwards GeForce GTX 295 Reviewed

TomTom Go 540 Live Review
ITreviewed posted a review on the TomTom Go 540 Live

There's no denying that the Go 540 Live packs and incredible amount of technology and features into a relatively sleek (127x85x23mm, 224g) unit. The unit is relatively easy to use (except for figuring out how to lower the ear-piercing voice navigation!), and is largely effective in reducing the burden on the driver. The 4.3-inch widescreen display (WQVGA: 480x272 pixels) is easy to read, though some may find there is a too much information on screen, and the battery provides a reasonable 3 hours' autonomous operation between charges - should you not keep it constantly docked to your cigarette lighter. As expected, Bluetooth is present so you can make and receive hands-free calls, and the included PC software lets you download recent user-generated corrections via TomTom's Map Share service. Our biggest gripe was that the Go 540 Live failed to pick out the fastest routes on our test runs. Instead of taking us down relatively quiet dual carriageways, it decided that desolate country lanes and constant left/right turns were the most appropriate. We also begrudge paying any kind of ongoing subscription for a device that already costs a premium. If, unlike us, you're not bothered about cost and want the latest and greatest functionality - regardless of whether or not you'll use it - the Go 540 Live is the one to go for. If plain and simple navigation is all you're after, save some money and opt for a cheaper alternative.
TomTom Go 540 Live Review

GeForce 3D Vision Article
NVNews.Net posted an article on the GeForce 3D Vision

Today at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) NVIDIA is scheduled to announce GeForce 3D Vision. Using wireless glasses, an IR emitter and driver software, the technology adds a 3D effect to games running on displays that can deliver a 120 Hz refresh rate. The effective refresh rate is basically halved as each eye receives a refresh rate of 60Hz, which is the minimum refresh rate that is usually needed to deliver flicker-free viewing.
GeForce 3D Vision Article

BFG GeForce GTX 295 Review
The Guru of 3D posted BFG GeForce GTX 295 review and test

A couple of weeks ago Guru3D was able to bring you guys a nice preview on what is released today. Therefore today we can bring you a full review on the retail version GeForce GTX 295 from BFG Tech.

Everything we could not talk about in our preview will be covered and obviously, some additional benchmarks are now included, making this a new review on the GeForce GTX 295 final product. We'll compare it to competing products, we'll show you a nice photo-shoot, we'll overclock it, yet the one thing it's all about is of course game performance.

And therefore we'll test out the card with a variety of games like Fallout 3, Far Cry 2, Call of Duty: World at War and of course many many more.
BFG GeForce GTX 295 Review

Asus GTX-295 (ENGTX295) Review
Bjorn3D takes a look at the Asus GTX-295 (ENGTX295).

It's that magical time of year again when CES is just hours away and new products to excite and tempt the computer enthusiast are popping up all over the place. One of the most exciting products out there is the Nvidia GTX-295, reported to be the fastest single GPU (Single PCI-E slot connection, dual slot cooler, Dual GPU) out there. We've chosen the Asus GTX-295 for our lead out article. Asus has been a major player in the computer industry for a long time and viewed as one of the premium brands. They were kind enough to ship us their Asus GTX-295 (ENGTX-295) to run against our battery of tests and considerable selection of GPU's. We'll run our usual battery of tests against this graphics behemoth, and step outside the box and throw in some additional testing to see if it is indeed the fastest single GPU on the planet.
Asus GTX-295 (ENGTX295) Review

NVIDIA BFG GeForce GTX 295 Review
PC Perspective posted a review on the NVIDIA BFG GeForce GTX 295

Now that the GeForce GTX 295 is officially being launched, we can tell you all about the features and performance we didn't get to disclose during our preview posted a few weeks ago. This time we have added power consumption, Crysis and of course, Quad SLI testing!!
NVIDIA BFG GeForce GTX 295 Review

Nvidia's GeForce GTX 295 1792MB & Quad SLI
bit-tech published a review of Nvidia's GeForce GTX 295 1792MB & Quad SLI

Nvidia's GeForce GTX 295 retakes the title of the fastest graphics card in the world, but it doesn't do it in the emphatic fashion that many were hoping for. We didn't expect Nvidia to leave the Radeon HD 4870 X2 for dead and it hasn't done that, but what it has done is deliver higher performance in most titles. There are, of course, titles where performance between the two is very close, but the big swings go in Nvidia's favour.

There are still some issues with the Quad SLI drivers to iron out, and what we've learned today is that, for the most part, there is no need for more than two GPUs to play / /any of today's games at decent resolutions. The return on investment diminishes quite spectacularly when you go beyond a couple of GPUs because today's games just aren't intensive enough for there to be clear advantages, but it's nevertheless impressive to see a game maxed out at 2,560 x 1,600 running into the engine's frame rate cap.

Ultimately, it's going to come down to pricing if there is a gulf between the Radeon HD 4870 X2 and GeForce GTX 295, the Radeon gets our nod, but if Nvidia's partners manage to hit the prices we're being quoted, we'd get the GTX 295 because of its inherent performance advantage in all but a few scenarios.
Nvidia's GeForce GTX 295 1792MB & Quad SLI

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 295 Unleashed
HotHardware posted their review on the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 295

Today, fresh out of the gate for 2009, NVIDIA returns AMD's volley with their own optimized, multi-GPU, single card solution that aims to trump their rivals current product. NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 295 is unleashed today. With a pair of 55nm GT200B GPUs under its hood in a pseudo-single card, dual slot height configuration, it's direct competition for the ATI Radeon HD 4870 X2. We'll step you through the technology behind NVIDIA's new single card SLI-enabled beast and then clock it around the benchmark track with some of the latest, most popular game titles on the market.
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 295 Unleashed

GeForce GTX 295 Quad SLI gaming test
The guru of 3D tested the GeForce GTX 295 in a Quad SLI gaming setup

Another GeForce GTX 295 article, yet this time around more of a combo where we'll bring the GeForce GTX 295 head to head against the Radeon 4870 X2 in 4-way GPU gaming.

That's right, both cards are setup in SLI or CrossfireX, meaning a 4-way GPU setup. Are you interested in learning how well such configurations perform ? We'll guide you through what you need to think about when you are buying Quad SLI or CrossfireX components, then I'll tell you a little tale about the installation, followed by a couple tests we ran in that all mighty experience of high a resolution gaming rig. Of course in a variety of games and resolutions.
GeForce GTX 295 Quad SLI gaming test

NVIDIA GeForce 3D Vision technology preview
Elite Bastards posted NVIDIA GeForce 3D Vision technology preview

While NVIDIA's GeForce 3D Vision glasses are a big part of this new stereoscopic gaming technology, it isn't the only piece of hardware you'll require to get up and running. Traditionally, one of the main downsides of using LCD shutter glasses to create a "true" 3D effect is that flicker is very noticeable - As each eye only receives half of the monitor's refresh rate, running a standard LCD screen at 60Hz through these glasses gives a 30Hz refresh rate to each eye, and I'm sure I don't need to explain to you why this is a bad thing. Thus, to alleviate this flickering issue, one thing required of a GeForce 3D Vision setup is a compatible monitor complete with a 120Hz refresh rate (a couple of which supported by NVIDIA we'll look at briefly later).
NVIDIA GeForce 3D Vision technology preview

Google Picasa 3.0 Review
ITreviewed posted a review on Google Picasa 3.0

Picasa is an amazing program considering it's totally free to download and use. The utility makes importing, managing and sharing your photos a snap, so it's perfect for inexperienced digital camera users and seasoned prosalike. Okay, so the image-editing tools aren't anywhere near as powerful or effective as Adobe's Photoshop Elements, but they are practical and should cater for all but the most artistic endeavours. Picasa Web Albums also integrates seamlessly and make light work of sharing your precious snaps with the entire world or password-privileged friends and family. We strongly recommend that you give download it and give it a try.
Google Picasa 3.0 Review

Nvidia GTX 295 Review
OCC has published a new review of the Nvidia GTX 295

Just because there are two cores does not mean that overclocking the GTX 295 is any harder than overclocking a single GPU core video card. The stock clocks of 576MHz on the GPU cores and 1000Mhz on the memory were easily exceeded by a large margin. I just kept bumping the core and memory clocks up until I showed some visual artifacts and then backed it down until these were gone. I was able to reach 683 MHz on the core and 1197MHz on the memory. These represent overclocks of 20% on the GPU cores and 25% on the memory at 107MHz on the GPU cores and 198MHz on the memory. Both pretty sick on air.
Nvidia GTX 295 Review

Nvidia Geforce 3D Vision Review
OCC has published a new review on the Nvidia Geforce 3D Vision

The Nvidia Geforce 3D Vision system is far ahead of the the old 3D technology that we all grew to know and some to love. It offers a new level of immersion to keep you interested while adding that next dimension to your gaming experience. Going through the 3D Vision setup was no more difficult than hooking up a monitor and USB cable, because out side of the software setup that is it for the hardware. The game profiles for the games tested seemed to be pretty much spot on during my testing, allowing me more time to actually get into the games rather than search for that elusive perfect setup. Now just because there is a good setup does not mean that it is the only setup.
Nvidia Geforce 3D Vision Review

EVGA GeForce GTX 295 SLI Video Card Review
Legit Reviews posted a review on the EVGA GeForce GTX 295 SLI Video Card

The NVIDIA GeForce GTX 295 combines the power of two GTX 200GPUs on a single graphics card. With a total of 480 processing cores and 1792 Mb of video memory, the GeForce GTX 295 might just be the fastest graphics card available on the market today. Read on as we compare the EVGA GeForce GTX 295 to the Radeon HD 4870 X2 in the latest and most popular game titles.
EVGA GeForce GTX 295 SLI Video Card Review

Thermalright TRUE Copper Heatsink Review
Virtual-Hideout posted a review on the Thermalright TRUE Copper Heatsink

Well then, when it comes down to it, this TRUE is a bit of a paradox. It's a very heavy beast that performs to... some degree of fantastic, though to be honest, it really could be better. There are absolutely no qualms with aesthetics, design, or installation. Even the packaging is up to the par set. But honestly? What it comes down to are the materials themselves. Back when, the utilization of copper was in place due to the inability of the heatsinks to dissipate the heat, due to a low amount of surface area. The other issue in the pipe, though, is the fact that this heatpipe uses the same six heatpipes as every other TRUE; which means that unless it can dissipate heat any faster, the additional heat capacity won't do much all of good. It's all a shame, but I do rather love this sink
Thermalright TRUE Copper Heatsink Review

BFG GTX 295 Review
Today Neoseeker takes a look at Nvidia's newest, the BFG GTX 295

When it comes to the aeons old struggle between Nvidia and ATI, each new video card that comes out is a battle, and each successive generation is a war. Taking the top spot -- the bragging rights of the 'fastest card' -- is a key victory in each of these wars. Even if it has less to do with profits, and more to do with pride; claiming the performance crown is a goal that both companies continually joust for.
BFG GTX 295 Review

AMD Phenom II X4 940 & 920 Processors Reviewed
EOC posted a review on the AMD Phenom II X4 940 & 920 Processors

It has been a little over a year since AMD released the original Phenom processor, publicized as the world's first "native" quad-core desktop processor. I won't lie to you (and you probably already know all this), the original Phenom had a rough start with the TLB bug, and performance just wasn't what everyone was hoping for. Intel was dominating the market with their shiny new 45nm chips, and AMD fans kind of felt let down. With the new Phenom II however, the performance we have come to expect from AMD is definitely back in a solid product.
AMD Phenom II X4 940 & 920 Processors Reviewed

AMD Phenom II X4 940 Review - Not the Second Coming
PC Perspective takes a look at the AMD Phenom II X4 940 processor

AMD is unleashing its first 45 nm processor, and while it is a large step in the right direction, AMD still has a tough mountain to climb to compete with Intel and their Core 2 Quad and i7 processors. While the Phenom II is not a world beater, it certainly puts AMD in a much more competitive position.
AMD Phenom II X4 940 Review - Not the Second Coming

Razer DeathAdder Gaming Mouse for Mac Review
OCModShop posted a review on the Razer DeathAdder Gaming Mouse for Mac

Apple users are the most hardened group of gamers on the planet. There are so many games available for the Mac platform that you just can't count them all. They have such hits as World of Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Black and White 2... um.... well, they have a bunch of solitaire and board games, that's for sure.

Regardless of the amount of games for the Mac (or lack thereof), Razer thinks there are more Mac users than Southpaws (Razer doesn't make any left-handed mice), because they have released the DeathAdder Gaming Mouse for the Mac. Fortunately, this mouse also works with the PC, so it could be a good mouse for those that own both platforms.
Razer DeathAdder Gaming Mouse for Mac Review

NZXT Guardian 921 Mid Tower Case Review posted a review on the NZXT Guardian 921 Mid Tower Case

NZXT Releases another in their line of budget Gaming "crafted series" Chassis. The Guardian 921 is a follow up to the original Guardian and is "Designed with futuristic and sleek curves" but does it follow up with the same flaws the original Guardian had? Or has NZXT advanced and refined their product? We have seen several good gaming cases built of this popular chassis, will the Guardian be one of them? Read on and see what we think.
NZXT Guardian 921 Mid Tower Case Review

Here Be Dragons - AMD Phenom II
Hardware Zone posted a review on the AMD Phenom II

AMD's much awaited shift to 45nm for its processors finally hits the consumer space with the Phenom II, the streamlined and more energy efficient sequel to the Phenom. Read on to find out if this new chip along with AMD's Dragon platform can turn the tide.
Here Be Dragons - AMD Phenom II

Sony Bravia KDL-52XBR6 Review posted a review on the Sony Bravia KDL-52XBR6

Sony's Bravia KDL-52XBR6 is one of their best performing TV's right now and it is definitely packed with a very large feature set and lots of functionality. The prices of LCD TV's has been falling dramatically and this model from Sony is no exception. The HDTV 52-inch KDL-52XBR6 is a great LCD TV for the money and has many advantages over other similar TV's, including stellar performance due to its high 120Hz refresh rate and powerful video processing abilities.
Sony Bravia KDL-52XBR6 Review

Corsair TEC-Based Cooling Solution for Memories
Hardware Secrets takes a first look at the Corsair TEC-Based Cooling Solution for Memories

During CES 2009 Corsair displayed their forthcoming TEC-based water-cooling solution for memory modules. We were able to take a good look on this system.
Corsair TEC-Based Cooling Solution for Memories

nVIDIA GTX260 vs. ATI HD 4870 did comparison of XFX GTX 260 Black Edition and Palit HD 4870 1GB Sonic Dual Edition

One month ago we have tested XFX GTX260 Black Edition graphics card based on GTX260+ version of nVIDIA GPU, and we concluded that ATI HD 4870 offered better price/performance ratio. In last month nVIDIA and ATI have dropped prices for both products and made choice for your next graphics card much interesting and harder. This time we compared performances of GTX260+ with very interesting model of HD 4870 signed by Palit. Let the match begin.
nVIDIA GTX260 vs. ATI HD 4870

NVIDIAs GeForce GTX 295 In Quad SLI
TweakTown posted a review on the NVIDIA’s GeForce GTX 295 In Quad SLI

This article was exciting to do for two reasons; the first was of course the fact that we were going to just see how powerful two of the fastest graphics cards on the market would perform when put together. This in total gave us four GPUs to play with across two cards and what this results in is a bucket load of power.

The second reason was that I would finally get a chance to take SLI for a spin on the newly built testbed. It’s really been ages since I’ve had the ability to test SLI on my main testbed. It was great that the X58 closed that gap where we no longer need one motherboard for Crossfire and another for SLI.
NVIDIAs GeForce GTX 295 In Quad SLI