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Modders-Inc has a new review online on the 2th Max GPX 750 Watt Power Supply

The power supply market has been growing at a considerable rate lately. Several units are being released boasting anywhere from 600w - 2kw of power. The demand of high end computers is pushing manufactures to squeeze every bit of power out of a PSU they can. Today we are going to take a look at one of 2the Max's power supplies called the GPX750.
2the Max GPX 750 Watt Power Supply Review

APH Networks posted a review on the Scythe Infinity

Although the performance of different water cooling systems undoubtedly holds its place on various benchmark and result charts, as well as create a parallel opportunity for relatively more silent cooling, there are many computer users who still prefer air cooling. In the high end air cooling segment, implementations of huge fans and heatsinks with multiple heatpipes have become increasingly popular. The reason and logic behind this trend and the ability for air cooling to keep itself from becoming obsolete technology is quite simple: Air cooling methods require little technical experience to install, and takes no more than a can of compressed air for management. After all, it's about using the computer, not about creating a schedule for when to do what, right? Now about using the computer -- the experience of performance and knowing your processor is properly cooled is equally as important. Let's see what the high end air cooling product, the Scythe Infinity, has to deliver today.
Scythe Infinity Review

TrustedReviews looked at Microsoft Windows Vista

It's been five years in the making. Hundreds of thousands of man hours have gone into its development. Millions of words have already been written about it. Some have already written it off, others can't wait to get their hands on a copy.

Finally it's here. This is the latest episode in the Microsoft soap opera. This is Windows Vista. Has it been worth the wait
Windows Vista Review

TrustedReviews looked at the Fujifilm FinePix S9600

Back in November 2005 I reviewed the Fujifilm FinePix S9500, and to say I liked it is something of an understatement. I seriously considered selling my digital SLR – at the time a 6-megapixel and very dust-prone Pentax *ist D, and buying the S9500 instead. I didn’t, as it turned out, because I ended up getting a Sony A100, but it really was that good, as many satisfied customers will attest.

Because of that success, in August last year Fuji announced the replacement for the S9500, and surprised nobody by naming it the S9600. It has also proved to be extremely popular, particularly with reviewers, which is why it’s taken me until now to get my hands on one.
Fujifilm FinePix S9600 Review

Trusted Reviews have looked at World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade.

If you’ve resisted the urge to join the Burning Crusade up to this point, then you probably want to know whether it’s worth a) buying it and reviving that lapsed subscription or b) using it as an excuse to play WoW for the first time.

Well, the answer to both is a qualified ‘yes.’"
World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade

Madshrimps posted a Coolermaster X Craft External Hard Drive Enclosure Review

The X Craft is Coolermaster's first external hard drive enclosure, their design team has come up with a sleek device that allows you to hook it up by USB 2.0, Firewire or eSATA. We take a closer look.
Coolermaster X Craft External Hard Drive Enclosure Review

I4U NEWS reviews the Dell W3207C 32" LCD HDTV

If you like the look of Dell's PC displays you will probably be very happy with the color and design of their TVs as well. The Dell W3207C 32" LCD HDTV looks fantastic in the familiar black and silver Dell color scheme. The 32" panel has a surround that is about 2" thick and the speakers are located to the left and right of the screen. The speakers have 15W per channel for 30W total and use a two way integrated design with bass reflex design.
Coolermaster X Craft External Hard Drive Enclosure Review

Virtual-Hideout posted a review on the CoolIT Systems Eliminator Cooling System

The Eliminator is an excellent liquid cooling system for any type of user, experienced or not. Thanks to the simplified mounting process, manual, and hardware, installation is very simple and easy with the detailed directions and revisions.
CoolIT Systems Eliminator Cooling System Review

NT Compatible is now listed on the Daily Rotation website. Daily Rotation is a RSS website that shows the news headlines from over 300 tech websites on a single overview page.

Daily Rotation
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Hardware Secrets posted a new guide: How to Build a Wireless Network Without Using a Broadband Router

A lot of people don’t know that if you run Windows XP or Windows Vista it is possible to build your own wireless network at home or office without using a wireless broadband router or a wireless access point, saving some bucks. In this tutorial we will show you step-by-step how to build this kind of wireless network, also known as ad-hoc.
How to Build a Wireless Network Without Using a Broadband Router

Overclockers Online has posted a new review on the Logitech diNovo Edge

As I furiously type away at my keyboard, I know this review is now coming to a close. Over the past several weeks I typed and typed until my fingers couldn't type any more. I switched between a few different models and I just kept coming back to the diNovo Edge.
Logitech diNovo Edge Review posted a quick look at audio formats

Outside of the government and the military, the computer world uses the most acronyms. This is especially true for the names of audio formats. There are dozens of formats, each with its own reason for being and with its own strengths and weaknesses. But what do all of those names mean? And how do you deal with an audio file that you're not familiar with?
A Quick Look at Audio Formats

XYZ Computing has posted a review on the Fujifilm FinePix S9100 Digital Camera

The camera we will be featuring in this article is the FinePix S9100. This is the follow up the S9000 and, as you can probably figure from the product's name, the changes between it and the older model are not drastic. Regardless of where you stand on the DSLR issue, a camera like this has its advantages, namely SLR performance at a much lower price once you factor in the cost of lenses. The S9100 comes with a pretty nice lens so most users will not ever have to worry about changing it, but enthusiasts will not be happy with the in ability of the camera to grow with them and increase its versatility as they buy more lenses.
Fujifilm FinePix S9100 Digital Camera Review posted a review on the Logitech NuLOOQ Navigator

Logitech's NuLOOQ Navigator is one of the more interesting devices I've seen in the past few years. It's an attempt to create a new breed of devices; it's more than a mouse, it's not a tablet, it's a new way to move around your computer environment. But is it just another gadget or is it really useful? Will it change my usage patterns or just become an expensive paperweight? The details lie ahead.
Logitech NuLOOQ Navigator Review looked at the importance of video settings on Linux

It's maddening. For someone who is trying make a daily use of what is to be considered a beginner friendly distribution for the first time, most options leave a lot to be desired for the uninitiated. More often than not, new Linux users find that everything works great at first only to discover that setting up something as common as a dual-head monitor configuration requires editing your xorg.conf file. If you are coming from a non-Linux environment, this can be a fairly frightening proposition.
The Importance of Video Settings on Linux

Futurelooks posted a RAM Cooling Shootout

In the ring today we have veteran ThermalTake taking on new comer VIZO. The match is to determine who has the best RAM Cooler. Can we even determine that? Does RAM cooling even do anything for you...really... Is it even effective? Let's battle first and ask questions later.
RAM Cooling Shootout: The ThermalTake Cyclo vs. The VIZO Armada