Reviews 52253 Published by

Here a roundup of today's reviews: Nextar M3-03 3.5" Touchscreen GPS Review, ATI CrossFireX, The $2.50 Laptop Stand, Coolink Corator DS CPU Cooler Review, Thermaltake Element-Q mITX HTPC Case Review, Samsung R580 Notebook Review, Foxconn A88GM Deluxe Motherboard Review, Alpenföhn Föhn 120 Wing Boost Fan Review, Prolimatech Armageddon CPU Cooler Review, and iNeo I-NA312N1 NAS review

Nextar M3-03 3.5" Touchscreen GPS Review
Bona Fide Reviews posted a review on the Nextar M3-03 3.5" Touchscreen GPS

Today for review I’ve got another product from our friends over at, it’s a small and basic GPS unit from Nextar. It’s the model M3-03, and it’s got a small 3.5” touchscreen, as i said it’s a basic unit so don’t expect advanced features, but it can get you from point A to point B without getting lost. It’s a no frills unit really, but it works, for the most part… read on..
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ATI CrossFireX: It Takes Two To Tango has compared ATI CrossFireX vs single graphics card

The possibility of pairing up graphics cards in order to increase the overall graphics subsystem strength is nothing new. Ever since the golden days of 3dfx and the first SLI mode (which was not the same as today’s Nvidia SLI) have two graphics cards in a single PC been an option. To be honest, only the last few generations have made this concept practically usable, meaning that the gain from using two cards instead of one has a significant performance impact compared to the doubled price required to be paid. Actually, most users still think that two graphics cards equals double the performance, but that’s not exactly the case. Still, that isn’t to say that a long period of time hasn’t passed since gains of 30-50% were considered good, and on the other hand, ATI and Nvidia have kept on increasing the number of Radeons/GeForces one can place inside a single PC…
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The $2.50 Laptop Stand takes a look at a $2.50 Laptop Stand

I had been looking for a nice laptop stand for a while, something that could be modified easily when I stumbled across a laptop stand at IKEA, the Swedish Household Superstore. The quality of the stand took me by surprise, and IKEA was selling them for a mere $2.50. Unable to pass up a deal like this, I bought several of them. I passed them along to some of my friends who owned laptops and kept a couple for myself. Thats when I got the idea to start modifying the ones I had into laptop coolers.
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Coolink Corator DS CPU Cooler Review
Hardware Canucks posted a review of the Coolink Corator DS CPU Cooler

Being the sister company of an industry heavyweight can't be easy but that's exactly what Coolink has lived with since their inception. Nonetheless, they have succeeded time and again in distancing themselves from the long shadow that Noctua casts and have forged ahead with innovative, well-priced heatsink designs. In this review we take a look at their Corator DS; a cooler which is supposed to cater to enthusiasts with high end performance while keeping the overall price at a reasonable level.
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Thermaltake Element-Q mITX HTPC Case Review
Benchmark Reviews posted a review on the Thermaltake Element-Q mITX HTPC Case

Thermaltake isn't new to the market. They have a full line of different cases and cooling systems. Today Benchmark reviews will be testing the Thermaltake Element-Q, model VL52021N2U. This chassis belongs to the "Small Form Factor" Line and it's targeted at the Mini-ITX industry. Apart from being the typical mini-case with 220 watts PSU included, what makes this product special against other Mini ITX cases? It supports full 5.25" optical drives and two 3.5" full sized HDDs. Compared to many other Mini-ITX cases; this can be an advantage over other products making your new purchase a lot cheaper. It also supports a full-height PCI card, which means you can install your Audio or Video card and enhance your HTPC experience. Read our full review to verify if the Element-Q suits to your needs.
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Samsung R580 Notebook Review
PureOverclock has published a review of the Samsung R580 notebook

Packing an Intel Core i5 processor, discrete graphics card, and some gorgeous styling, the Samsung R580 is positioned as an all-around notebook with a respectable price tag. But is Samsung's jump into this tough industry segment successful? Let's have a look at the Samsung R580 and see how this notebook fares.
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Foxconn A88GM Deluxe Motherboard Review
Hardware Secrets posted a review on the Foxconn A88GM Deluxe Motherboard

The new AMD 880G chipset is based on Radeon HD 4250 graphics engine, which is a slower version of the graphics engine used on AMD 890GX (Radeon HD 4290). This way 880G-based motherboards are cheaper than 890GX-based ones. AMD 880G chipset is normally paired with AMD SB710 south bridge chip, but on A88GM Deluxe the manufacturer decided to use SB850, which is the south bridge chip from AMD 890GX, providing native support for SATA-600 ports. This way A88GM Deluxe is one step above other motherboards based on the same chipset.
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Alpenföhn Föhn 120 Wing Boost Fan Review posted a review on the Alpenföhn Föhn 120 Wing Boost Fan

Today we are looking at the Föhn 120 Wing Boost fan from Alpenföhn. The company name "Alpenfoehn" is a specific wind in the Alps. Alpenföhn are actually part of the EKL group who have been producing OEM cooling solutions in the European market since 1995. The Föhn name given to the fan is actually a dry down-slope wind that occurs in the lee (downwind side) of a mountain range.
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Prolimatech Armageddon CPU Cooler Review
Hardware Secrets posted a review on the Prolimatech Armageddon CPU Cooler

Today we are reviewing Prolimatech Armageddon CPU cooler, which has a slim tower heatsink with six U-shaped heatpipes and room for two 140-mm fans. Will it perform well in our tests? Let's see.
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iNeo I-NA312N1 NAS review - The cheapest NAS of all ?
The Guru of 3D posted a review on the iNeo I-NA312N1 NAS

We test the iNeo I-NA312N1 NAS enclosure. This NAS unit is relatively cheap to purchase yet does offer all the standard features and requirements you can expect from a decent NAS unit. Full user and group based control, FTP, file sharing all the basics for secure file management.

The unit we review today is the I-NA312N1. Plain and simple it holds two HDDs and can be connected within a network with a 1 Gigabit (or slower) network link.
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