Reviews 52282 Published by

Hardware Secrets posted Thermaltake iXoft Notebook Cooler Review

Weight is a major concern for those who buy a laptop. Since it’s supposed to be carried around, it has to be as lightweight as possible. Most people don’t realize however that heat is also an issue. Notebooks have a tendency to get really hot during prolonged usage. There are several cooling solutions on the market, most of them USB-powered fan units that are both heavy and noisy. iXoft, a new product from Thermaltake, is neither, relying on simple chemistry to cool a laptop and prevent the user from feeling its heat.
Thermaltake iXoft Notebook Cooler Review

XSReviews has reviewed the Galaxy 8600GTS OC

When the G84 and G86 cards were released, reviewers around the world posted their reviews, giving generally quite mixed opinions. However, although there were several positive reviews of the 8600GT cards, the GTS ones received very little good publicity due to their mid range pricing with budget performance. Today I have with me the Galaxy 8600GTS OC; perhaps this one can reverse the stigma.
Galaxy 8600GTS OC Review

Tech ARP has posted rev. 6.8 of their Mobile GPU Comparison Guide

These days, there are so many mobile GPU models that it has become quite impossible to keep up with the different configurations. Therefore, we decided to compile this guide to provide an easy reference for those who are interested in comparing the specifications of the various mobile GPUs in the market as well as those already obsolescent or obsolete.

Currently covering over 110 mobile GPUs, this comprehensive comparison will allow you to easily compare 17 different specifications for each and every GPU. We hope it will prove to be a useful reference. We will keep this guide updated regularly so do check back for the latest updates.

Here are the updates:-

- Added the Intel Mobile GMA X3100 GPU.
- Corrected the Memory Type, Memory Speed and Memory Bandwidth
of the Intel GMA 900 and 950 GPUs.
- Corrected Fill Rate specifications for the NVIDIA GeForce Go
7600 GT and GeForce Go 7700 GPUs.
- Total GPUs : 114
Mobile GPU Comparison Guide Rev. 6.8

techPowerUp posted a review on the PQI Traveling Disk i221

Looking for a tough durable quick transfering memory stick? PQI's new Traveling Disk series might be a good place to start looking. Today we have the pleasure of reviewing a sample of the Traveling Disk series, and we'll see how well it stacks up compared to other drives.
PQI Traveling Disk i221 Review

techPowerUp posted a review on the A-DATA PD17 Flash Drive 1 GB

The absolutely tiny A-DATA PD17 is not only the company's smallest, but lightest offering as well. The modern shape, coupled with the choice of three colors and great construction make for a very unique device. Even though it is so small, performance is very good and the PD17 is ReadyBoost capable as well.
A-DATA PD17 Flash Drive 1 GB Review

I4U reviews the Apple TV.

If you are a heavy iTunes user with lots of video and music on your iPod and sitting on your computer, the Apple TV will make watching your content more enjoyable on a big screen. I was disappointed to see that the Apple TV does not come with any type of cables to connect the device to your TV. You would think at the price you are paying for even the 40GB version I am looking at here Apple could have thrown in a cheap component cable at minimum.
Apple TV Review

ChileHardware posted a review on the AMD ATi Radeon HD 2400 XT in Spanish

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Read more (with translator)

Hardware Secrets takes a look at Core 2 Duo E6750 Overclocking

Just to let you guys know that we updated our Core 2 Duo E6750 review in order to include some overclocking results.
Core 2 Duo E6750 Overclocking

Overclockers Online has posted a new review on the Lite-On LH-20A1L

We have taken a hard look at this drive and have run quite a number of tests resulting in an overwhelming amount of data, and now it is time to put it to words. So what is this drive really? For starters, this drive lives up to its name as being a Super All Write drive capable of burning multiple types of media along with being equipped with quite a few interesting features. Beyond the features, this drive is capable of writing data at blistering speeds while maintaining accuracy and quality. In my book, it doesn't get much better than this. Lite On's LH-20A1L06C Super All Write drive performs as intended and does so at a low cost.
Lite-On LH-20A1L Review

Benchmark Reviews has released a new article on the Hiper HPU-4M730-SS Type M 730W PSU

The new generation of power supplies has begun to amp up the competition for placement in your computer case. Antec's EarthWatts series was among the first to cause a stir in the PSU industry by emphasizing efficient power delivery over the multi-rail hype. But now 80% or better efficiency has become very common in power supplies. A perfect example of combining high-power wattage, efficiency, and good looks can be found in the Hiper HPU-4M730-SS Type M 730W PSU. The four +12V rails offer regulated power distribution, but they also deliver at least 80% of the power that they promise, which will result in a more efficient system. Hiper's Type M PSU claims to support dual and quad processors, dual (SLi and CrossFire) graphics card sets, and just about anything else you can throw at it, but Benchmark Reviews will load test the DC voltage regulation and ripple just to be sure.
Hiper HPU-4M730-SS Type M 730W PSU Review

XtremeComputing posted Noctua NC-U6 Chipset Cooler Review

Today I shall be taking a look at a product from a company that, till recently, I had not heard of before. That said I have only heard good things about them in the short time I have known about them. The company in question is Noctua and the item I will be looking at is the Noctua NC-U6, which is a chipset cooler, and with the reputation they, Noctua, have built up I am expecting some good results.
Noctua NC-U6 Chipset Cooler Review