Reviews 52270 Published by

bit-tech published a review of Wolf King's Timberwolf gaming keyboard

On the plus side, for gaming it holds up very well and is both comfortable and responsive, placing a great number of keys at our fingertips and thoughtfully leaving the lower end of the pad empty as a wrist support. Lovely. On the downside, the rest of the keyboard feels a little awkward to use and clustering the keys all together means it's definitely unsuited for office gamers who will spend the majority of time typing and game only for an hour or two a day.

Then again, office gamers aren't really the market for the Timberwolf. It's more aimed at hardcore players who spend the majority of time gaming and who need a keyboard for their gaming machine //outside of the office. For that audience, the Timberwolf holds up very well despite a few small design flaws.
Wolf King Timberwolf Gaming Keyboard Review

DragonSteelMods posted a review on the OCZ ModXStream 780Watt Power Supply

Some people out there don't like modular power supplies, personally I
really like them. Depending on who you talk to people will tell you different things about the modular type power supplies, they'll tell you about the connectors and how they can break, or having the connections the way they are is a bad thing. Well I've owned quite a few of them and have never had one problem with any modular power supply related to any of the cons that people might list for these types of PSU's. That being said today for review I have a modular power supply (imagine that!?) and it's from our friends at OCZ and it's a 780Watt version of the ModXStream, so read on to learn more about a great power supply...
OCZ ModXStream 780Watt Power Supply Review posted a review on the Kingston KHX11000D3LLK2/2G DDR3 memory

Kingston Technology has opened some new doors in the world of RAM. We have been asked to test drive and show you some of the new HyperX DDR3 RAM. The modules I received are 1375MHz with CL timings of 7-7-7-20 and 1.7v. Let's see how well this first round of DDR3 modules stack up.
Kingston KHX11000D3LLK2/2G DDR3 Review posted a review on the Antec Notebook Power Adapter

If you happen to have 2 notebooks or have lost your power adapter for your notebook you might want to check out the Antec Notebook Power Adapter. Now we know Antec for making quality PC cases and power supplies, but can they bring that same quality to a notebook power adapter? Read on and find out in our review of the Antec Notebook Power Supply Adapter.
Antec Notebook Power Adapter Review

Howtoforge published a step by step guide about installing Xen on an Ubuntu Feisty Fawn Server

This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to install Xen on an Ubuntu Feisty Fawn (Ubuntu 7.04) server system (i386). You can find all the software used here in the Ubuntu repositories, so no external files or compilation are needed. Xen lets you create guest operating systems (*nix operating systems like Linux and FreeBSD), so called virtual machines or domUs, under a host operating system (dom0).
Installing Xen On An Ubuntu Feisty Fawn Server From The Ubuntu Repositories