Reviews 52270 Published by

Bjorn3D posted a review on the XFX 8600GT Fatal1ty Professional Series

When we mention the name Fatal1ty chances are most of you will will realize that we're speaking of Jonathan "Fatal1ty" Wendel, who over the last several years has become a gaming icon. Fatal1ty is reputed to be the current best that the gaming world has to offer. In December, 2006, XFX launched the first card in their new Fatal1ty Professional Series, the 7600 GT which was endorsed by the worlds #1 gamer. XFX stated the following in their press release of this product: “This card proves that teaming XFX technology with the hardcore gamer’s demands results in performance that buyers literally haven’t seen before".
XFX 8600GT Fatal1ty Professional Series Review

Legit Reviews posted Plantronics CS70N Wireless Office Headset System Review

In the past we have evaluated many of their Bluetooth headsets that they have released on the market, but today we mix it up a bit (sort of like the Lakers’ first draft pick) and evaluate this luxury $400 Plantronics CS70N Wireless Office Headset system. I say luxury, but in reality, dropping this kind of money for certain companies and workers is not that big of a deal. If you are on the phone all day in an office environment, then you will want something that is comfortable to wear and is built solid...
Plantronics CS70N Wireless Office Headset System Review

Mad Shrimps posted a review on the SUB-ZERO ExodusFlow Altauna CPU Water Block has had design and manufacturing input in several water blocks they've sold online over the past five years. My first introduction to German engineered water blocks was through this store when I tested the original CF1 Microstructure block and later with the "upgrade kit" compared it to popular USA system Dangr Den TDX vs. CF1 Rev.2.'s recent arrival has already received high praise from other testers, so today I test the new SUB-ZERO ExodusFlow Altauna, will it earn my "Brass O-Ring"?
SUB-ZERO ExodusFlow Altauna CPU Water Block Review

Benchmark Reviews takes a look at the Crucial PC2-8500 CL5 Ballistix DDR2 RAM

Everyone always wants good stable system memory, but not everyone wants to pay the price. When computer enthusiasts build or upgrade a system, RAM purchases are often relegated to the cheapest parts available, saving money at the expense of performance. Benchmark Reviews has tested the 2GB set of Crucial PC2-8500 CL5 Ballistix BL12864AA1065 DDR2 RAM against the rest of the competition, and the results may just be enough to sway your opinion away from discount memory.
Crucial PC2-8500 CL5 Ballistix DDR2 RAM Review

techPowerUp posted a review on the Matrox DualHead2Go Digital Edition

Matrox made some waves with their GXM (Graphics eXpansion Modules) when they where first released, starting with the DualHead2Go. This module enabled dual monitor use with a single output. Their newest addition is the DualHead2Go Digital, which uses DVI as output method to allow higher resolutions. We try the device in Windows XP and Mac OS X using two 19 inch DVI based LCD montors.
Matrox DualHead2Go Digital Edition Review

DragonSteelMods posted a review on Slim Keyboard + Num Pad from Brando WorkShop

Over the past few months I've taken a look at quite a few mini-style keyboards and for the most part they've been fairly decent, but they've all been missing one thing, a numeric keypad. Today for review I've got another mini keyboard from Brando WorkShop but this one does have the numeric keyboard just like a standard keyboard has. Yes it does add a bit to the length but not much at all and it is still very small and very portable...
Slim Keyboard + Num Pad from Brando WorkShop

MadBoxPC posted a review on the Foxconn GeForce 8500GT + SLI Videocard in Spanish

Foxconn Geforce 8500GT Series include nVIDIA PureVideo technology and Hardware Decode Acceleration, H.264, VC-1, WMV, MPEG-2 HD and SD movies. Supports one DVI output for digital flat panel display resolutions up to 2560x1600. Foxconn 8500GT comes with a single slot cooler, has an awesome performance at stock settings, beating every 8500GT that we tried before.
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HotHardware evaluate the features and image quality of AMD's brand new ATI TV Wonder 650 Combo PCI Express.

The most obvious physical change to the ATI TV Wonder 650 PCIe is of course the fact that the card now uses the PCI Express interface. The ATI TV Wonder 650 PCIe has kept its half-height PCI design, which allows it to fit easily into low profile HTPC systems.
ATI TV Wonder 650 Combo PCI Express Review

Techgage posted a review of Thermaltake's Mozart HTPC case

The "Mozart" name implies style and grace, and the Mozart home theater PC case certainly offers elegant styling. But is its beauty only skin deep? Here's an in-depth look at this popular home theater PC case from Thermaltake.
Thermaltake Mozart VC4000 HTPC Case Review

OCC has published a new review of the Belkin N1 Wireless Router, Desktop, Notebook, and USB Cards

When I was asked to review the full slate of N1 MIMO products from Belkin, I was excited. First, because my wireless setup was admittedly getting a little old, but second, because I had heard good things about Belkin, and felt that this would be a major upgrade for my system in a number of areas. This review had me happy with some features to begin with, but as I went on, I was reminded of something my parents said to me when I was a kid and had failed a test: "We aren't mad at you, but we sure are disappointed." Boy, does that hurt.
Belkin N1 Wireless Router, Desktop, Notebook, and USB Cards Review

Everything USB posted Belkin 7-port Plus USB 2.0 Hub Review

If there's one universal truth to personal computers, it's that you can never have enough USB ports. Doubly so when the front USB ports on your computer suddenly die from over-use as ours did. That's why today we bring you an in-depth review of Belkin's 7-port USB 2.0 Plus Hub, a stackable powered hub that features two top loading USB ports for convenience and built-in cable management for your frequently used USB devices and MP3 players. Full details and benchmarks after the jump.
Belkin 7-port Plus USB 2.0 Hub Review

OC Workbench posted ASRock 4Core1333-FullHD Full Review

ASRock 4Core1333-FullHD is really a piece of gem. In fact, I think that ASRocok has picked the picked the right integrated chipset for the Intel LGA775 platform. I would say it is a daring move by ASRock to adopt this chipset when most others shy away from this excellent product.

In terms of performance, the integrated chipset did well against the major Intel G965 and 945G chipset in 3D graphics. It also has good image quality and supports playback of H.264 videos with HDCP.
ASRock 4Core1333-FullHD Full Review posted HIS ICEQ3 Radeon X1950 Pro 256Meg PCI Express Videocard

This videocard has more or less everything that a gamer needs other than a sufficient amount of onboard memory. Although this card looks great, comes with a complete hardware bundle and software package with a full version game, it all means nothing when a card is hampered with a lack of sufficient memory for today's gaming environment.
HIS ICEQ3 Radeon X1950 Pro 256Meg PCI Express Videocard Review