Software 42993 Published by

XPBench 1.03
XPBench is specifically designed to query which Windows XP features a video card/driver combination supports and then to demonstrate the performance improvements supporting the XP API's makes.

System Sentry 1.5.06
If you're having problems with General Protection Errors, screen freezes, program hang-ups, programs errors, and other problems, System Sentry may be able to repair them. System Sentry finds all corrupted, replaced, added, incorrect versions, and dates of your system files and replaces them for you. Offers you a sure a quick way to restore a system file that may have been overwritten with on older or incorrect file. This helps avoid the often unnecessary and frustrating task of reinstalling Windows or specific problem programs.

Perfect Companion 3.8.2
Perfect Companion is a system utility that will help you maintain the integrity of your Registry. It's especially useful for PCs that have lots of software installed and uninstalled, as it cleans up the garbage left by many uninstallers. Registry scans are thorough and time-consuming, and revolve around finding and removing invalid keys, and making sure that .dll and .ocx files are properly registered. An undo file is created that allows you to easily reverse the changes if a problem arises from any of the modifications.

GeForce Tweak Utility 3.2 t19 Beta
With this tool you'll be able to take control over the possibilities of the NVidia Detonator driver. You can tweak your videocard to its max!

V.Control 1.70 Beta
V.Control is a free software which gives direct hardware control to your video graphics adapter; enabling custom refresh rates in increments of 1 Hz, over clocking without rebooting windows, and modifying PCI/AGP hardware configurations. Also provided are various registry tweaks. Currently supported are: 3dfx Voodoo Banshee, 3dfx Velocity, 3dfx Voodoo3, 3dfx Voodoo4, and 3dfx Voodoo5 (Voodoo5 6000 is untested).