Windows 10 970 Published by

A new version of the Windows 10 privacy tool Debotnet has been released.

The Windows 10 default privacy settings leave a lot to be desired when it comes to protecting you and your private information. Whenever I set up a new computer or update a current setup for my family or job, I always carefully go through the privacy settings for each install, making sure to lock it down to make it as private as possible.

Windows 10 has raised several concerns about privacy due to the fact that it has a lot of telemetry and online features, which send your data (sensitive and not) to Microsoft and can't be disabled, which means Microsoft can:

  • Run software on your computer without your consent
  • Get data from your computer without your consent
  • Remove software and files from your computer without your consent


  • Disable telemetry and online features, which send your data (sensitive and not) to Microsoft
  • Choose which unwanted functions you wish to disable
  • Debotnet will show you what it's doing. You have full control, because the executing code can be viewed in a simple text editor
  • Simple scripting engine for adding custom privacy rules
  • Debug mode. E.g. the Test mode lets you see which values are twisted in registry or commands executed
  • Scripts updated on GitHub
  • Modern and familiar UI, with  theme support
  • Small footprint. No installation required.
  • Portable

New in version 0.6.3:

Added script to iso downloader > Download Windows 10 ISO with PowerShell (Fido.ps1 @
Optimized script iso downloader > Download Windows 10 ISO with MCT Wrapper
Fixed bug in script security > Disable Windows Media DRM Internet Access
Fixed bug in script start > Remove Telemetry (Advanced) Issue reported here #34
Optimized theme function (If you are overwriting old files with this update, a reset of bin > debotnet-settings.txt file is necessary. Therefore please delete the this file or open it and set in section [RunOnce] the key RunOnce=1 to RunOnce=0
Several other script improvements
Optimized nightly release channel

