Software 43035 Published by

Smartline has released Beta 1 of DeviceLock 5.0, a security and network management software for Windows 2000/NT/XP

DeviceLock gives network administrators control over which users can access what devices (ports, floppies, Magneto-Optical disks, etc.) on a local computer. Once DeviceLock is installed, administrators can assign permissions to LPT ports, CD-ROMs, COM ports or any other device, just as they would to share-permissions on a hard disk. Network administrators can use DeviceLock to flush a storage device's buffers (very useful for removable media) and to get extended information about devices and NTFS partitions. Remote control is also available.

With DeviceLock you can:
- Control which users or groups can access devices
- Flush unsaved file buffers
- Get extended information about devices (file systems, partitions, etc.)
- Get extended information about NTFS partitions (MFT size, position, etc.)
- Control all functions remotely
- Use its powerful but easy multilingual interface
- Install and uninstall it automatically
- Use native versions for Intel x86 and Compaq Alpha platforms.
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