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OCC has published a new review of the Diamond PVR560 XtremeTV Tuner Card

Have you seen any previews of TV shows coming up and got all excited, thinking this is something that you would really like to see? But when the day finally arrives, you are either busy or just plain forgot about it and then reality hits - you missed it! I know how frustrating and disappointing this can be, because I have done it many times myself. I need to find something that will take care of this problem for me. Perhaps this review of the Diamond PVR560 Xtreme TV tuner card will shed some light on a solution for me. This is a somewhat watered-down version as it does not come with the mini-firefly remote. Diamond Multimedia has made a product that just may be the solution to those missed shows and a whole lot more. Is it truly extreme? Let us find out.
Diamond PVR560 XtremeTV Tuner Card Review