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TheTechLounge posted a review on the D-Link SecureSpot

The internet can be a very scary place. Yes, it is filled with countless amounts of useful information on all sorts of subjects, but that is also its downside. Having grown up with the internet, many adults are very adept at maneuvering it. Unfortunately, not enough people are as savvy as they should be, because spyware, viruses and the ever faithful phishing scams are running rampant. This of course doesn't even get into the realm of what your kids are getting into. This now brings up the whole point of this review, just what are your kids getting into? How much time is your child spending on the internet, and where? Are they looking up offensive content? Are they rotting their young minds? How much of your personal information is being stolen by Trojans and other forms of spyware? I could come up with so many "evil" or nefarious possibilities that you would be convinced that computers will bring nothing but destruction to life as we know it, but I digress, there is hope. D-Link's SecureSpot claims to be a solution to your PC security woes. We'll put it to the test to see how well it really works.
D-Link SecureSpot Review