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ITreviewed posted a review on Mirror's Edge

From the makers of the amazing Battlefield franchise comes a first-person action adventure unlike any other. Available for next-generation consoles and the PC (that's what we like to see - Ed!), Mirror's Edge definitely takes risks. Moving the first-person game in a totally new direction, DICE, an Electronic Arts studio, has done something radical with the traditional established mechanics of first-person movement. What's makes Mirror's Edge special is that it changes the way that players are able to move in first person. No more restrictions, no more being blocked by simple barriers such as walls and fences. In Mirror's Edge you can move like a real person (albeit a very flexible one!), with the ability to run, jump, vault and slide in a way that has never been seen before in a first person game. Mirror's Edge is also special because it introduces a strong iconic videogame heroine called Faith who, predictably, is very hot.
Electronic Arts Mirror's Edge Reviewed